Healthy Home
MacNaughton Healthy Home: The New Solution For Living In a Clean Environment
‘Wet’ Mudrooms: Designed with Sinks and Storage So That You Can Clean Up Before Coming Inside
Whole-House HEPA / UV / Ionic Air Filtration and Ventilation: Brings in Fresh Air and Cleans It So You Are Able Breathe Easy At Home
Germ-Resistant Countertops and Flooring: Disinfects Surfaces Naturally, Keeping Harmful Chemicals Away From Your Family While Keeping Harmful Bacteria At Bay
Touch-Free Plumbing Fixtures and Entryways: Automates Activities That Regularly Spread Germs Which Helps You Keep Your Hands Clean
Extra-Large Pantry: Storage Space for Canned Goods and Essentials. Don’t Worry About Power Outages or TP Shortages Again.

Okay, let’s talk to some of the smartest home builders we can get our hands on, Let’s listen to them, let’s let that help us. That’s taking the fear out of the workplace listen to everyone else around the country, what are they doing?
Learn from that you’re not alone. Okay, and then take new home construction action now, right? You’ve heard from incredible speakers and me about the things you can be doing where your priorities are, “Do It Right execute, get ready for the upturn.
This is now, and Tom was talking about new home construction again yesterday as well Elena was of both Alena and Steve Zam, from Pro. Or we’re saying how they’re unfortunate, but they are in the fortunate position of still working a lot right now.
And I, testers are not shut down but they’re all kind of saying the same thing is, the time is now make when the sun shines you can take action now, so that when you’re able to really start to operate as home builders, you’re ready to go.
Okay, this is happening in New York, it’s happening in Boston. We are personally we are starting to hear from clients that building permits are starting to get approved. Can we go back to work?
It’s about to turn. So take action now, so that you’re ready for that new home construction up, turn you’re geared up and ready to go.
And lastly, by new home construction Steve was practice transparency again, big part of a big part of the great game of business is open book management, helping your team understand the financials is being transparent with them. Letting them understand and being a part of that home builders gross margin, how does their efforts affect the cost of doing the work?
A pretty strong position on the client side as well. We have a very detailed budget that we go through with our home builders clients, line at him, by line item basically, if it is 1000 will break it out 100 for this, 500 for this, it’s multiple pages but by doing that your client who in our cases, a restaurant tour, but maybe it’s the superintendent of a school system, they don’t understand new home construction this is how you help them through constructions. Being transparent with them, being honest with them.
So, any more comments about the great game of business? Please throw those into the chat see bakers black on.
Yeah, I do, and yes, everyone got a black swan worksheet emailed. Definitely. If you’ve buried that email you’ve lost it. Let me know, I’ll be happy to send you the black swan home builders worksheet again really, that was a really powerful workshop that I went through there, so I like that a lot.
I should mention too, by the way, as we’re going through these presenters and reviewing and making comments basically I can take questions to, I’ll answer any new home construction questions that you guys have as we go through this. So, it’s certainly make that I wanna make, sure that you’re aware of that as well.
Alright, I “eternia worksheet number four is the operations worksheet. This was with lease all brick from common or builders. Just an amazing home builders presentation as a whole really, the biggest pull for me from that was about the people specifically like yeah, we were gonna be talking about operations and maybe systems and that sort of thing, but at the end of the day, it’s people. So throw your comments in the chat, for Lisa common or builders, meet your people, where they’re at, right?
This thing is affecting everyone individually speak to them individually. How is this new home construction affecting them? What can you do for each other, how can you get through this together, What are you doing as a company, as leadership, what can you do for them as an individual, even if your company isn’t doing can’t do anything, right? You could be handcuffed as a company, you don’t know understand your new normal.
I think this is again another regular theme that is survey to see what’s the situation that you have to deal with now the situation you have to deal with when you open. She talked a lot about the safety of the workplace itself. As construction companies, we are real heavy on work site safety so adding masks and being aware of distancing is, not really the hardest thing for us to manage from a field perspective, as a construction company, but in the office, what does that look like?
Basic dividers so cleaning supplies, all of that sort of thing. How is that being managed and prepare now for what that is? So when you open your ready to go, you have everything that you need.
Obviously, there’s a time and that sort of thing, on safety supplies. So now is the time to be stocking up so that you can open with everything you need, you don’t need to do a… You don’t have to force a phase opening if you have the business to support it, identify where to find efficiencies. And I thought it was great to time go. Matt spoke about this yesterday, where he’s not convinced that it’s say that it is a given that costs are gonna go up, right?
Same from Lisa is you have inefficiencies in your business, understand where those are because yes, costs for certain things are gonna go up, but the cost of your production does not necessarily have to find efficiencies find ways to reduce overhead, costs, the digital approach to things, maybe helps you reduce the amount of office space that you have, you’re able to communicate better with less travel.
Another thing with that Thomas saying, With CEOS or you’re not flying around right now, find efficiencies take advantage of those fisheries lower the cost for you to deliver the customer experience that you have promised and really attempt to maintain those budgets maintain those schedules by finding efficiencies and then embrace the opportunities to train, cross-train, during your downtime let your admins help out your project managers, let your project managers help out your admins. Another big question you have stay with Tom, right?